German RETech Partnership e.V. (RETech) and its members can look back on a successful IFAT Munich 2024. From May 13 to 17, the world's leading trade fair for environmental technologies showcased the diversity and sustainable developments of the German waste and recycling industry.
Orange Stage
Program on the Orange Stage from RETech or Partners (BMUV, ISWA, GIZ)
Monday, 13.05.2024
01:30pm – 02:20pm: From waste to secondary raw materials with adaptable solutions
Tuesday, 14.05.2024
09:30am – 10:20am: Climate change and sustainable waste management
12:30pm – 01:20pm: Sustainability as a competitive advantage - How Germany can contribute to environmental protection worldwide
04:30pm – 05:20pm: Ukraine: Intermunicipal cooperation as a success factor for improved waste management
Wednesday, 15.05.2024
02:30pm – 03:20pm: How to finance – Innovations in the financial sector for enhancing circular economy
04:30pm – 05:20pm: Global Waste Management Outlook 2 – key messages and opportunities
Thursday, 16.05.2024
09:30am – 10:20am: Focus on organic waste in the MENA region to tackle methane and the changing climate
04:30pm – 06:00pm:Batteriebrände im Abfall – Gefahren und Lösungsansätze zur Risikoreduzierung (only German)
Friday, 17.05.2024
09:30am – 10:20am: Waste management on the way to a circular economy – all you need is technology!?
10:30am – 11:20am: Tackling plastic waste through joint efforts of "upstream producers" and "downstream waste managers"
Workshops, Networking Events and other Sideevents from RETech or Partners
Tuesday, 14.05.2024
10:00am - 12:30pm | "How to do Business with the UN" (Registration needed)
02:00pm - 03:00pm | Information Event: Circular economy, water and waste water management in EXI | BMUV Booth (A5.153/352)
02:45pm - 03:45pm | Workshop/Networking on Organic Waste in the MENA Region | Conference Room B62
04:00pm - 05:00pm | ISWA-Germany: International Networking Opportunities - South Africa (RETech und DGAW) | ISWA Stand A5.238
05:30pm - 07:00pm | Africa Meets IFAT | B4.338 | Organized by UNIDO, VDMA, ITPO; Suppoerted by RETech
Wednesday, 15.05.2024
10:00am - 12:00pm | Opportunities in the African Waste Sector: Public and private companies present projects and tenders | Conference Room C53 (Registration needed)
11:30am - 01:30pm | Workshop: Organic waste treatment with larvae of the Black Soldier Fly: A Win-Win-Win-Solution? | Conference Room B62
04:00pm - 05:00pm | Information Event: Circular economy, water and waste water management in EXI | BMUV Booth (A5.153/352)
05:00pm - 06:00pm | RETech Get-Together | A5-153/352 | MEMBERS ONLY!
Thursday, 16.05.2024
10:00am - 11:00am | Information Event: Circular economy, water and waste water management in EXI | BMUV Booth (A5.153/352)
10:40am - 12:10pm | Equal opportunities in the waste sector – a international perspective | Conference Room B62
12:30pm - 02:30pm | Waste projects supported through (voluntary) carbon markets (UBA) | Conference Room B62
Friday, 17.05.2024
10:00am - 11:00am | Information Event: Circular economy, water and waste water management in EXI | BMUV Booth (A5.153/352)
We welcome delegations from: Africa continent, Egypt, Brazil, Brussels, China, Ghana, Hong Kong, Canada, Qatar, Malaysia, the MENA region, Rwanda, Romania, South Africa, Ukraine and the UN.
Participant lists and areas of interest, as well as matchmaking, are available only to RETech members and can be sent to you upon request (Luise Billen,