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Strengthening German-Kazakh cooperation in the field of waste management and the circular economy

As a central partner of the Export Initiative Environmental Protection (EXI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection, RETech used its network and expertise to support the eco-education tour as part of the EXI project “Intensification of German-Kazakh cooperation in the field of waste management: knowledge transfer for the implementation of sustainable waste management measures in Kazakhstan”.

The tour focused on key topics such as recycling, biogas, landfill management, legal framework conditions and financing models.

Why are such projects so important?

  • They promote the transfer of knowledge and create a platform for innovative solutions.
  • They strengthen international partnerships and networks.
  • They help to raise awareness of environmental issues and promote sustainable development.

With projects like these, RETech makes an important contribution to global cooperation and progress in the circular economy.