Functions of the RETech advisory board
To support the RETech activities, the board appoints an advisory body for four years. The members of the advisory body are federal and regional authorities, associations and persons relevant for the purpose of the association and promoting it in a special way.
The advisory body provides advice for the board and the members in all issues of the association and is responsible for a close connection with public organisations and as well as the authorities and organisations involved in the recycling management.
The RETech Advisory Board
- accompanies the RETech strategy and its further development
- provides technical input, information as well as proposals for the focus of the work, in particular in the working groups
- supports the establishment of contacts and the human relations to authorities, institutions and other representatives in the target countries and regions
- exchanges information in current and planned activities
- proposes technical topics, e.g. for RETech events or publications
- supports the involvement of RETech in projects and events of third parties with reference to the targets of the association and its members
- provides contacts and expertise to individual requests and/or technical topics
- provides for the mediation of the activities of the association in other areas (companies, countries, colleges and universities)
Members of the advisory board
Barbara Friedrich
Federal Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (BMUV)
Vice chairman:
Eric Rehbock
German Association for Secondary Raw Materials and Waste Management (bvse)
Members of the advisory board:
- Thomas Bartelt
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) - Mike Busse-Lepsius
Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action - Christina Laun
The Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) - Sandra Spies
German International Cooperation Corporation (GIZ) - Angela Bley
Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI) - Barbara Ölz
KfW - Anja Schwetje
Federal Environmental Agency (UBA) - Anja Siegesmund
Federal Association of the German Waste Management Industry (BDE) - Anna Breimer
Municipal Vehicles and Equipment Industry Association (VAK) - Dr. Sarah Brückner
Association of German Machinery and Plant Manufacturers (VDMA) - Dr. Holger Thärichen
Association of Municipal Companies (VKU)