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RETech Highlights 2024


- Malaysia Workshop: Facilitated knowledge exchange and collaboration on circular economy solutions with Malaysian stakeholders.
- Study Tour Alexandria: Enabled intensive dialogue between German and Egyptian stakeholders to develop innovative waste management strategies.
- Strengthened collaboration with the Federal Foreign Office: Organized the Ambassador Breakfast and actively participated in BoKoWiTa to enhance international partnerships.

Events and Knowledge Transfer:
- IFAT 2024: Welcomed 18 international delegations, represented RETech at the BMUV joint stand, actively contributed to the Orange Stage and workshops, and organized a RETech IFAT-Tour to spotlight key innovations.
- EXI-Workshop: Organized an interactive workshop on on sector coupling.
- Expansion of Auslandsmesseprogramm (AMP): Supported the German Pavilion at global events such as Waste Expo Brazil and Ecomondo Rimini.
- International RETech Conference 2024: Hosted the conference “Transforming Islands' Waste Management: Overcoming Challenges with Sustainable Solutions,” fostering interactive discussions on sustainable waste solutions tailored for islands.

Project Initiations:
- Start of EXI projects: Launched new EXI projects with AHK Central Asia, the Baltic States, and East Africa, focusing on capacity-building and the implementation of circular economy solutions.
- Further project initiations and network expansion: Expanded partnerships and initiated projects in Zanzibar, Brazil, and South Africa, strengthening RETech’s global network and outreach.

Many thanks at this point to our members, partners and our network!